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Hilary's Story
Can you tell me a bit about yourself?
“I used to be a Health Visitor & retired in 1998. Since retiring I keep myself busy & active, walking & birding. My favourite bird is the Long Tailed Tit.”
What type of study are you taking part in?
“It’s for high cholesterol levels. They think mine is familial & I just inherited it because my lifestyle & diet doesn’t justify what it was. The study’s called Odyssey Outcomes.”
Why did you decide to take part?
“If it’s familial then my sons & grandchildren might inherit it. That’s the sole reason really.”
What do you have to do?
“I have to inject myself every two weeks. They give us a diary to fill in with dates & times you do it. I started off coming to see the team monthly at first for four months & it’s gone gradually longer to every six months now. The drug’s now been licenced in the UK & the trial’s stopping early, I have two visits left.”
What are the benefits to you?
“I’m participating in something that will benefit others & I’m monitored. When I did have a problem I could contact the team & come in. It’s been reassuring.”
What would you say to anyone thinking about taking part in research?
“Definitely people should take part. It’s for the benefit of everyone else in the future isn’t it.”